The 2024 Wheel of the Year Printable is a beautiful, illustrated, and unique pagan bundle of the 8 seasonal festivals that are celebrated by many different traditions, offering an accessible introduction to the Pagan Wheel of the Year.
The Wheel of the Year 2024 is a time-honored tradition that has been observed for centuries by many cultures and religions. Learn about each Sabbat from sunset to sunrise. This printable bundle will provide deep understanding and appreciation for what each Sabbat means for us, our children, our environment, and even the earth.
What you can find in the Pagan Wheel of the Year 2024 Printable Bundle
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The bundle contains 79 pages. On each Sabbat, you will find information on Traditions, Celebrations, Ideas, Crafts, Activities, Symbols, Correspondences, Foods, and more – approximately 10 pages for each holiday.
Wheel of the Year Printable Pages contain:
- Samhain
- Yule
- Imbolc
- Ostara
- Beltane
- Litha
- Lammas Lughnasadh
- Mabon
This limited-edition bundle is the perfect addition to any Wheel of the Year Sabbath ritual. It contains 79 pages of information on Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas/Lughnasadh and Mabon. From the history of these festivals and their rituals to traditional foods and modern activities, this printable bundle is full of ideas for your next Sabbat.
What is Samhain?
Samhain, also known as Halloween, is a festival to celebrate all things harvest – the end of summer, the beginning of autumn and the onset of winter. It is a time to rejoice in the bounty we have grown, harvested and gathered. With Samhain Traditions you can prepare for this celebration with our collection of high quality designed Samhain Book of Shadows Pages.
What is Yule?
Yule is a holiday with many traditions that are actually the origins of the modern Chrismas. Make your holidays magical with these ideas from the Book of Shadow Pages. There’s something for everybody: common Yule traditions, crafts and activities that you can try in 2024. Celebrate Yule in style with these beautifully selected ideas to make your home feel festive and welcoming.
What is Imbolc?
Imbolc celebrates the wonder of new beginnings, and is a time of hope and promise. What better way to welcome in the season of renewal than to sit down with friends and family around a warm fire, exchanging gifts, or making your own feast. Imbolc is traditionally a celebratory festival of lights with purification rituals, which are meant to cleanse the home and clear away negativity. The Imbolc Printable is a resource for Pagans looking for various ideas on how to celebrate Imbolc.
What is Ostara?
The Ostara Festival celebrates the flowers that bloom in the spring. It is a time to honor the Goddess Ostara, and to celebrate the rites of passage that mark this season of new beginnings. This festival is a time to celebrate the flowers and the earth. The Season of Ostara is also known as the Festival of Spring. We love celebrating Ostara and enjoy decorating our homes with flowers, plants, and trees to get ready for this new season!
What is Beltane?
Beltane is a Celtic holiday that celebrates the coming of Spring. It’s a time of fertility, love and growth. Celebration involves Maypole dances, flower crowns, flaming lanterns, and much more! This printable contains everything you need to celebrate Beltane, from crafts and food ideas, to rituals and celebrations.
What is Litha?
Litha is a time of celebration, coming together as a community to enjoy the warm weather and longer days. It’s a time for making crafts, enjoying outdoor activities and spending time with family and friends. This printable provides all you need to know about Litha, including history, crafts, recipes and traditions.
What is Lammas?
Lughnasadh is a time to celebrate the harvest and to give thanks for the food that we have. It is a time of joy and revelry, and a time to honor the gods. Lughnasadh is named after the god Lugh, who is celebrated during this time. Lammas is another name for Lughnasadh, which means “loaf mass”. This Lughnasadh holiday printable includes a variety of ideas to help you celebrate the August 1st harvest festival. Inside you’ll find ideas for crafts, recipes, celebration tips, and more!
What is Mabon?
Mabon is one of the eight sabbats celebrated by Wiccans and pagans. It marks the autumnal equinox when day and night are of equal length. This is a time of harvest, reflection, and thanksgiving. Mabon is also a time to celebrate the beauty of nature and the changing of the seasons. If you’re looking for something special to mark the occasion, consider our Mabon celebration printable bundle. It includes all the information you need to have a memorable time.
Why should I get the 2024 Wheel of the Year Printable Bundle?
This Wheel of the Year Printable is an accurate, up-to-date representation of the Sabbats as celebrated by modern Witches and Pagans. It includes all eight major holidays and the ideas for their celebration. Each holiday is represented by beautiful, printable pages with corresponding colors, herbs, oils, and crystals. The Wheel of the Year printable is a valuable resource for any Witch or Pagan and makes a great addition to the Book of Shadows, Grimoire, or Spell Book.
You can download PDF files directly to your computer after the purchase. There are two sizes available A4 and US Letter.
* All of the printables are for personal use only. They cannot be distributed or featured online without permission.
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