Last Updated on January 16, 2022 by Eva Maria
Hello and Welcome in 2021!
After a bit of turbulent 2020, let this upcoming year be a time for growth and learning. We should fill it with magical knowledge and practice that benefit not only ourselves but also others. One of my New Years Resolutions is to read more Witchcraft Books. So I carefully chose 11 magical books that will open the door to an enchanted life in 2021.

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“Yoga for witches” – Sarah Robinson
As a practicing yogi, I really love the idea of combining ancient Indian knowledge with modern witchcraft. There are many things that can be included in your spiritual practice and have the potential to enrich your magical life. The author explains the useful knowledge of Chakras, Elements, Limbs of Yoga, Sun, and Moon Salutations.
My magical journey began after following many other mystical traditions including Yoga, Ayurveda, and Alchemy. I cannot wait to incorporate more sacred movements into my practice. Would you like to read more about Yoga and Witchcraft?
“The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magick and Might” – Courtney Weber
How do you know when a Deity calls you? You start seeing symbols, synchronicities and they just make sure you see their name (in some way). In 2021, I highly encourage you to add some Gods/Goddesses positions to your witchcraft books collection. Which mythology would you like to learn more about? Celtic, Greek, Egyptian, Norse, Slavic? Let me know in the comments!
Morrigan got my attention recently. I will definitely read this book in the upcoming months. Possibly She has some great wisdom to pass and I can’t wait to learn more about this Celtic Goddess.
“Lunar Living” – Kirsty Gallagher
There is never too much knowledge on Moon Phases and living according to the lunar cycles! In my witchcraft books collection for 2021, there has to be a place for another Moon Book! So far it’s hard to find a complete lunar guidebook with all the necessary information…
“Lunar Living” sounds really promising. There is some basic information on the cycle, and more importantly detailed information about the moon in different zodiac signs! This is definitely my next learning goal in the upcoming year!
“Year of the Witch: Connecting with Nature’s Seasons through Intuitive Magick” – Temperance Alden
This is one of the best witchcraft books about Sabbats and Pagan Wheel of the Year! The author encourages you to find your own practice and traditions to celebrate the changes of the year. The book is packed with information about lore, celebrations, correspondences, and rituals for each Sabbath.
If you want to bring your magical practice into a new chapter by celebrating Natural Cycles and Seasons, this book is definitely for you!
“Spellcrafting: Strengthen the Power of Your Craft by Creating and Casting Your Own Unique Spells” – Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Who doesn’t want to learn how to create powerful spells? This essential witch book will teach you about magical timing, correspondences, raising energy, and using personal power to create change.
If you want to bring your magical practice to a new level, this is one of the witchcraft books you should look up in 2021. There is nothing more empowering than creating personal spells and rituals that suit your needs, budget, and availability of ingredients.
“Psychic Witch: A Metaphysical Guide to Meditation, Magick & Manifestation” – Mat Auryn
This is definitely number ONE from witch books in 2020! So many recommendations and reviews on the internet made me mention it in my “books to read” list. And I really cannot wait to finally have it in my hands.
From a quick view at the table of content, this book is a great guide around magical thinking and tuning into the power of your mind. You will learn about meditation, extrasensory perception, cleansing, protection, the elements, earth energy, planets, and more.
If you haven’t read it yet, make it a goal for this year reading challenge!
“Avalon Within: A Sacred Journey of Myth, Mystery, and Inner Wisdom” – Jhenah Telyndru
This is another of the witchcraft books, that literally called me through synchronicities and constant reminders.
The place of Avalon sounds really familiar, maybe for you too?
It’s a mystical island, full of magic, sacred, and healing energy. It derives from Celtic and Arthurian legends, Druidry, and women’s wisdom. If you want to take a Journey to Avalon, you are more than welcome to jump on this ship with me!
PS. This book is more feminine in nature, just letting you know.
“Witchcraft for Healing: Radical Self-Care for Your Mind, Body, and Spirit” – Patti Wigington
This book will definitely bring you a new level of peace. The spells, rituals, potions, and magical workings are designed to heal your being in a holistic way. There are chapters dedicated to self-love, working on the mind, body, and spirit, your community, and the environment.
We all need a little bit of care each day. This book will allow you to create healing daily habits and bring some good intentions into 2021!
Definitely a great add to your witchcraft books shelf!
“Protection Spells: Clear Negative Energy, Banish Unhealthy Influences, and Embrace Your Power” – Arin Murphy-Hiscock
There is nothing more important when you beginning your magical journey than to stay safe and protected! There are plenty of negative energies that roam around the spirit realm and just wait for some inexperienced soul to open their vortex and let them in…
If you don’t want it to happen to you, you better learn some protective magic! There is a huge importance of clearing and shielding, especially if you wish to manipulate energies around you. This book will teach you all you need to know to stay safe as a witchcraft practitioner.
Must have for all baby witches and magical novices out there!
“The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology” – Juliana McCarthy
One of my New Year’s resolutions is to learn more about astrology. There is something amazing in understanding how planets influence our life on Earth and are able to teach us about ourselves and our purpose.
I remember the first time when I really grasped the concept of Astrology. It honestly shocked me that on the day and time we were born, in the exact place of our birth, all planets (asteroids and celestial bodies) were aligned in a unique sequence. This gave us a special event that we can learn about ourselves and predict the future.
The book: “The Stars Within You” seems like a great manual for understanding a birth chart and learning basics of Astrology.
Would you like to read it?
“The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings” – Brigit Esselmont
The last of the witchcraft books I am going to recommend today is “The Ultimate Guide to Tarot Card Meanings”. If you happen to begin your divination journey, or you just wish to deepen your knowledge, this title would perfectly suit you!
The book offers an extensive explanation of each of the 78 cards, with detailed meaning in career, personality, love, and spirituality as well as the reverse interpretation of the card.
Would it land on your magical books wish list this year?

I hope you found some inspirational book titles on this list! What would be the one (or few), you’re going to read this year?
Below I prepared for you a special printable that will be a great addition to your personal Witch’s Journal or Book of Shadows! You can click on the image and it will take you to the pdf file.

My name is Eva Maria and I love to create magical content based on my own studies and experience. Merkaba Study is an online grimoire where you can read about crystal healing properties, spells, tarot, and more!