Free Printable Wheel of the Year 2022

(1 customer review)

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Learn about Pagan Wheel of the Year and Witch Sabbats with these amazing  Free Printable Wheel of the Year Book of Shadows pages. The Grimoire pages included are Witchcraft Sabbats Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltane, Litha, Lammas, and Mabon  (8 pages in total!).

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Free Printable Wheel of the Year and Witchcraft Sabbats Book of Shadows Pages:

Samhain date, meaning, and magical intentions
Yule date, meaning, and magical intentions
Imbolc date, meaning, and magical intentions
Ostara date, meaning, and magical intentions
Beltane date, meaning, and magical intentions
Litha date, meaning, and magical intentions
Lammas (Lughnasadh) date, meaning, and magical intentions
Mabon date, meaning, and magical intentions


* All of the printables are for personal use only. They cannot be distributed or featured online without permission.

1 review for Free Printable Wheel of the Year 2022

  1. Heather Proulx (verified owner)

    These pages are a great and easy way to understand the wheel of the year. I’m so happy that they are in my BOS.

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