To download these Free Book of Shadows Pages join the Newsletter
Free Printable Wheel of the Year and Witchcraft Sabbats Book of Shadows Pages:
➼ Samhain date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Yule date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Imbolc date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Ostara date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Beltane date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Litha date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Lammas (Lughnasadh) date, meaning, and magical intentions
➼ Mabon date, meaning, and magical intentions
* All of the printables are for personal use only. They cannot be distributed or featured online without permission.
Heather Proulx (verified owner) –
These pages are a great and easy way to understand the wheel of the year. I’m so happy that they are in my BOS.