10 Books about Crystals for Baby Witches

Last Updated on August 21, 2020 by Eva Maria

Are you dreaming about starting your crystal journey and bringing home some magical stones? You look online at all these perfect mineral formations and you get lost… Too many names, similar-looking ones, fake crystals sellers. How not to get lost in this magical kingdom of natural beauty? Below you will find my favorite books about crystals that will allow you to learn their meaning, properties, and magical uses!

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10 books about crystals that every crystal witch should consider buying

1. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic – Scott Cunningham

Cunningham is my favorite author when it comes to learning about magical correspondences. In this particular encyclopedia, you will find everything you need to know about crystal magic, their lore, meaning, properties, and uses. On top of that, there are chapters that will help you understand how their energy works, introduce to cleansing and charging processes, jewelry magic, and casting spells using various minerals.

If you are looking mostly for witchcraft and spellcasting book of crystal correspondences – this will be the one to choose!

2. Dunwich’s Guide to Gemstone Sorcery – Gerina Dunwich

This is another book that is mainly focused on connecting two subjects: magic and crystals. You will find here information on how to make a crystal wand or amulet, use stone divination, or make crystal elixirs. On top of that, there are listed some stone properties and their lore, yet it’s not the greatest book for crystal identification.

Overall it’s a good book about crystals for beginners that want to learn how crystals can help you in spellcasting and the book itself contains many examples of various gem uses!

3. 101 Powerful Crystals – Judy Hall

Judy Hall is the top crystal book author. You might have heard about her Crystal Bible that is also a great recommendation for your bookshelf.

I like the 101 Powerful Crystals as it is mainly focused on the healing and transformation with beautiful, sometimes newly – discovered, and high vibrational crystals. There is a great description of each stone as well as their legendary powers, physical healing, and transformational benefits.

This position will mostly suit someone who wants to make progress on their spiritual journey with the assistance of specific gemstones.

4. Stone Medicine – A Chinese medical guide to healing with gems and minerals – Leslie J. Franks

This great position is addressed to anyone who would like to learn a specific way of healing with crystals according to Chinese Medicine. The first part of the book contains an introduction to this ancient healing practice and gives a great base for further reading. The second part brings some information about picking the right crystals, cleansing, charging, and methods of application. The third part contains a description of Materia Medica – stone variations together with their hardness, chemical composition, key characteristics, methods of application, and much more.

This is the best book to buy if you are interested in making crystal elixirs as it explains this process very well, and will make you avoid unnecessary intoxications.

5. The Illustrated Directory of Healing Crystals – Cassandra Eason

This book, unlike the others I’ve already mentioned, is divided into color categories of crystals. This simple content strategy makes it easier to use it as a reference for recognizing various minerals. On top of that, each stone has a great and extensive description that mentions crystals associations, history and mythology, divinatory significance, healing, uses, psychic energies, recharging methods, and if it’s safe to use it around children and animals. Realistic photographs make it easier to differentiate between similar-looking stones which makes learning about crystals much more effective.

It is a really great comprehensive resource for all crystal beginners.

6. The Power of Gems and crystals: how they can transform your life – Soozie Holbeche

This has been the first-ever book I have read about the magic of crystals 8 years ago, or so. The author brought me into this magnificent world of energy and vibration. I remember reading it in awe of all that these crystalline beings can do. Did you know they synchronized our first watches and that’s why they are called quartz ones?

If you want a more relaxed reading about history and magic of crystals I definitely recommend getting a copy of that book. It’s really great for enhancing your stone fascination and inspiring you to further mineral studies.

7. The Crystal Witch – Leanna Greenaway

If you follow a Wiccan path, this will be a great option for you. Not only the book itself looks pretty but also is full of magical information! It’s definitely my favorite crystal witch design in a book so far! The illustrations are so adorable! This position contains pages about getting your own crystal toolkit, crystal guide, color meaning, and simple spells. A very valuable and beautiful book for every baby witch!

8. Crystals for Beginners – Karen Franzier

If you are looking for an ultimate healing crystal guide, this bestseller position will most likely contain all you want to know about the minerals. Very well organized and easy to follow chapters, lots of additional information such as how to choose crystals, chakra correspondences, and the best stone pairs ever. At the end of the book, you will find some crystal grids for various intentions and tables with the same colored minerals.

If you don’t know where to start, get this simple guide and sink into a metaphysical life of crystals.

 9. Rock and Gem: The Definitive Guide to Rocks, Minerals, Gemstones, and Fossils

A top picture reference guide to gemstones. It contains everything a beginner collector will need to know. The great bonuses are: mentioning a chemical compound of each crystal, detailed photographs, and specimens locations.

It’s a detailed encyclopedia about geological aspects of minerals, written by an author with years of experience in that field.

Would be a great introductory book for anyone interested in mineral spagyrics and alchemy.

10. Crystal Grids powers – Harness The Power of Crystals and Sacred Geometry for Manifesting Abundance, Healing and Protection – Ethan Lazzerini

I don’t personally have that book but it’s on top of my wish list. I would love to learn more about creating crystal grids with accompanied intentions.

From my research, I can see that the book contains lots of information about the healing energy of stones, various shapes that are used, explanation of deprogramming and programming crystals, manifestations, sacred geometry symbolism, etc.

Definitely a must-have position for expanding your knowledge and working with crystals on a more spiritual level!

I hope you enjoyed this list of amazing books that each Crystal Witch should have a look into! And if you’re not sure that gemstone sorcery is your destiny, check this post to find out!

best books about crystals pinterest

Good to be back!


Eva Maria Mekraba Study

My name is Eva Maria and I love to create magical content based on my own studies and experience. Merkaba Study is an online grimoire where you can read about crystal healing propertiesspellstarot, and more!

Eva Maria
Eva Maria

Eclectic Witch with tons of interests (Buddhism, Yoga, Ayurveda, Alchemy, Naturopathy, Aromatherapy, Herbalism, Climbing, Traveling, Jewelry making, Crocheting, Arts and Crafts and all sorts of readings).

Creator at @witchjournaling and host of the witchcommunity.com

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